Category Archives: Blog

Past My RØDE Reel Winners: Where Are They Now – Garrett Sammons, Best Music Video 2016

If you have recently tried to download RØDE Rec, our feature-packed field recording app for iOS, you may have noticed that the full version is no longer available from the app store. This is because we’ve taken it down to make some updates! We have had some feedback that RØDE Rec is not fully compatible with all versions…

Past My RØDE Reel Winners: Where Are They Now – Alex Wohleber, Best Documentary 2016

If you have recently tried to download RØDE Rec, our feature-packed field recording app for iOS, you may have noticed that the full version is no longer available from the app store. This is because we’ve taken it down to make some updates! We have had some feedback that RØDE Rec is not fully compatible with all versions…

RØDE Rec Has Been Taken Down From the App Store While We Make Some Updates

If you have recently tried to download RØDE Rec, our feature-packed field recording app for iOS, you may have noticed that the full version is no longer available from the app store. This is because we’ve taken it down to make some updates! We have had some feedback that RØDE Rec is not fully compatible with all versions…